Phew. Just finished reading the proofs of the book.
That, and heavy rain most of the weekend, means I haven't shown my face at the allotment this weekend.
But now the book is done (I think), it's going to be lovely to spend a bit more time at the weekends down there. I have various plans for the winter: closing up my compost heaps for the cold weather (more of which soon), getting some compost trenches going and putting down weed-suppressant material topped with bark mulch on the paths around the raised beds are just some of them.
I am wondering if I am too late to plant some green manure in the form of field beans, Latin name Vicia faba. They're my favourite green manure because they're tough and unfussy but they aren't bullies in the way the Hungarian grazing rye can be, which is a devil to dig in when it comes to springtime. Given the mild winters of late, I suspect they'll still do fine if planted now.
I am interested in experimenting with other overwintering green manures as well. What are your favourites?
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