After having a field day with other people's gardens, I thought it was time to target the horticultural critiques a little closer to home.
Given that my garden is under a blanket of snow right now, and is, anyway, nothing I'd proudly display, I thought I'd go a little off piste (fnar) with this entry for Hot Plot or Not.
Above you can see displayed my efforts at a door wreath for Christmas. Now, rather unfairly I'd like to take a few words to explain myself - I know I don't offer this to the others who put themselves forward for HPON, but hell, it's my baby and I'll do as I please. So anyway, yes - this was made entirely from stuff either from the garden, the play area at the park or a nearby country park. I only cut the ivy where it was in huge abundance so as not to inconvenience the local wildlife, and everything will go on the compost heap once the festivities are over.
My partner's reaction was that it isn't very, er, jolly. My argument is that this is a Christmas wreath for our times - restrained, muted and, above all, cheap - it cost 50p to make which was the price of the metal frame at my local flrist. Call it "credit crunch chic" if you will. Oh, and more practically, I couldn't find any holly, ok?
Thanks to everyone who commented on HPON 9: Anne Wareham's "veg plot" pic garnered 22 "hots" and seven "nots" - a very respectable margin. The random winner of the comment prize was Woody Wilbury, so something garden-related will be winging its way to him in the new year. There's another prize available for a random commenter on this post, so don't be shy - have your say on my wreath below. Just remember to start with "HOT" or "NOT" and write a few words to justify your judgment.
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