Mirrors, the experts advise, are great in gardens. They give the illusion of extra space, bounce light around and add depth. I am not a big fan of the ones that make you think you're looking at an open door or window, but I can see how these acrylic sheets would look great behind trellis.
They're going on the Christmas list, but right now, in the wake of the bank account-draining activities wrought by the building of a garden office and buying lots of plants, it's a question of picking up what I can in junk shops and the like for a few pennies (also greener too, I guess).
This was my first effort - a "fisheye lens"-type mirror bought from a charity shop for a fiver. It was already painted this way, which fits with my colour scheme - perfect! Eventually it should be wreathed in honeysuckle and clematis, but for the moment it's hanging from the trellis reflecting the sweet peas on the other side of the patio. I did buy another one - a Rennie Mackintosh-ish mirror with a stained glass frame, also for a fiver - but it was so gorgeous I have hung it inside. Now I am looking for some full-length mirrors for the side passageway as suggested by the Stopwatch Gardener.
There's one fly in the ointment. My other half hates the above mirro with a passion - before we went on holiday he said he was hoping someone would steal it while we were away. What do you think?
Hmm - I can't decide whether it's the bareness of the trellis or the metalwork of the mirror I don't like. Once your plants have covered the trellis and have started embellishing the mirror, I think it'll look very different and your OH will be congratulating you on your wise choice.
Posted by: Veg Plotting | June 29, 2011 at 09:53 AM
Your other half is right!
Posted by: www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmQTbSbX95zXyN9jg0bAcMnuTz_1VkTUFQ | June 29, 2011 at 09:03 PM
its a stretch to say it is horrible, it is distinctive! I think it has the right amount of naffness to make it a good mirror, if you like it, don't let your OH spoil that :-)
Posted by: Alison | July 02, 2011 at 08:35 PM
I'm not sure how I feel about mirrors in gardens. I don't think you can categorically say all mirrors look good or bad in gardens. Each time it depends on the mirror, its placement and the garden itself. That said I think your one looks quite nice!
Posted by: Plantdaddy | July 06, 2011 at 02:57 PM
In its current state it's naff - particularly those dodgy ivy leaves. So rest assured, no-one is going to steal it. But once it gets some foliage around it (to cover those leaves) I think it will quietly move from naff to almost stylish and then you can take credit for your forward-thinking design choice...
Posted by: Julie Knight | July 14, 2011 at 09:06 AM
How interesting... I have a not dissimilar mirror upstairs in the loft (mind you, I seem to remember one on the wall in Craggy Island Parochial House). I like the idea of the convex mirror, but I wonder how long it will take to cover up the - er - frame...
Posted by: Beangenie.wordpress.com | July 27, 2011 at 06:32 PM
Hmm. Everyone's been pretty unequivocal about the mirror, but it's staying for the moment! I have bought another mirror since, of which I'll put a photo up soon. I think it may be more favoured, but who knows?
Posted by: Jane Perrone | August 10, 2011 at 09:00 PM