It's been a while, I admit, but it's time to bring my personal blog out of cold storage.
Why? I did an interview about blogging the other day in which I was asked for my advice to other bloggers, and one of the things I said was "keep blogging". I stopped blogging here for a number of reasons, mainly because the new Guardian gardening blog, set up in January, ate up all my blogging mojo. The other reason was not much was going on for me garden-wise - we moved house a year ago, and there was a lot to do inside before I could tackle the garden. it's hard to keep the blogging momentum going when all you're feeling is frustration that you can't do any gardening while waiting for the plaster to dry.
Now things are getting easier at home, the garden revamp is on the horizon, the fruit trees are heavy with fruit and I have stuff to blog about again. So I am making like Robbie Williams and staging a comeback.
So what's happening around these parts? Well, I am in full preserves mode, making good use of my two fruit trees - a Victoria plum and an as yet unidentified early pear tree*. My tomatoes have seen off a touch of blight and romped through to a successful harvest - I'll post soon about my favourites from the varieties I tried this year. But pretty they ain't. The plants look a complete mess, due to a staking disaster, again, more of which later. And I've been experimenting with various houseplant planting schemes which I'm looking forward to sharing with you too.
In the meantime enjoy this rather mysterious pic above, which really is the path to Horticultural - well kinda. It's the footpath from my old house to my allotment-as-was. It's looking pristine-ish here, but it always used to amaze me that people in the houses backing onto the alley chucked their garden waste over the fence as if no one would notice. People sometimes as if I miss having an allotment - the answer is yes, sometimes, but now I have a 70ft garden I don't have the energy or time for both. But I do hope I've got the energy for two blogs.
*I suspect it's Jargonelle or Onward - if you have either, please take a look at this pic of a slightly underripe specimen and tell me if I am right
Hi Jane,
It's good to have you back and I look forward to hearing more from you and your wonky fruit trees!
Posted by: Ryan | August 25, 2009 at 09:03 PM
Welcome back. The picture gives me thoughts of building excitement as you near the plot, or feeling the tension of the world slowly drift away as you approach the sanctuary of your green paradise.
Don't like the Robbie cnnection. His comeback has hardly been inspiring has it ? lol
Looking forward to more of the same.
Posted by: Chris Knight | August 25, 2009 at 09:06 PM
Yes, it was a bit like that Chris, although one couldn't drift away too much at the risk of stepping in dog poo unawares!
Yes, I know what you mean about the Robbie mention. it was a (clearly failed) attempt to be self-deprecating about my return to my personal blog. No conspiratorial musings about UFOs here, though, I promise.
Posted by: Jane Perrone | August 25, 2009 at 09:13 PM
excellent, and about bleedin time too. welcome back x
Posted by: MarkD | August 25, 2009 at 10:04 PM
Great to have you back! I've had a similar hiatus in the blogging department myself but seem to be feeling my way back now. Long may we both last!
Posted by: Clare | August 25, 2009 at 10:06 PM
I think it will be more Take That than Blobby Williams! ;)
Posted by: Ryan | August 25, 2009 at 10:28 PM
Good-luck with the new garden, but @ 70ft, I bet you'll run out of space within the year and be back on the allotment waiting list.
Posted by: si | August 26, 2009 at 06:38 AM
Welcome back
I'm with Chris - a triumphant Take That would be so much better from a pop-reference point.
I shall await your staking disaster update with anticipation. I have always gone for the no-staking-whatsoever option due to laziness but I may have to change my ways.
Posted by: Dawn Isaac | August 26, 2009 at 08:50 AM
Now that's a shame, there really arent enough conspiratorial musings about UFOs on the internet! Delighted to see you back in the Horticultural saddle. It's like you've never been away...x
Posted by: Lia Leendertz | August 26, 2009 at 09:27 AM
Blogging is really time consuming isn't it? Nice to see you back, can't wait to see what you have in store for us...
Posted by: Deb@carrotsandkids | August 26, 2009 at 09:59 AM
I have had a look and does it go very yellow when ripe? and the pear around the stalk end wrinkle up? if so, sounds like a Beth.
Mine don't keep at all, but are delicious and jucy for the brief time they are around...
Thanks for visiting my blog, btw!
Posted by: Compostwoman | August 26, 2009 at 06:15 PM
Compostwoman, yes the one I pictured is underripe, they go very yellow when ripe but will have to check for wrinkles. They are delicious and juicy and not keepers at all, so I think I may have a punt that I've got a Beth. I have a great recipe for pear and vanilla jam I can share if you have any more to use up! And thanks so much for your quick reponse!
Thanks for the welcomes, everyone else. I'll try to be Gary Barlow not Robbie then!
Si, I am sure you're right about running out of room. Must get my name on the list as I suspect it's a long one.
Posted by: Jane Perrone | August 26, 2009 at 06:28 PM
Good to see you back; I was begining to wonder.
Posted by: Woody Wilbury | August 30, 2009 at 05:56 PM