What better way to start 2009 than with a caption competition?
What is the slug saying to the snail, or vice versa, in the pic below?* Keep it clean, or at least legal, please. Writer of the best (as judged by me) caption posted in the next seven days gets whatever flotsam and jetsam is lying around my desk at work right now - probably a book on giant marrows, or somesuch.
UPDATE: I've decided the winner has to be Emma of the Alternative Kitchen Garden podcast. Some garden books will be winging their way to her.
*Footnote on the picture: this was taken on the lawn at my old place not long before we scarpered. Just shows how skilled I am at lawncare - and indeed pest control, as there's a lot more slime in this shot than blades of grass.
"Don't look at me like that. You'd have filled up at the All-You-Can-Eat buffet too, if you weren't too vain to wear your baggier shell when we go out."
Posted by: Emma | January 03, 2009 at 07:55 AM
Snail: "Which way to Jane's new place?"
Slug: "Follow me!"
Posted by: Andrew Turner | January 03, 2009 at 03:44 PM
"This is certainly a Gastropod Garden isn't it," said the snail to the slug
Posted by: Noel | January 04, 2009 at 05:53 PM
"I'm telling you, the new folk have opened a pub. Fancy a drink?"
Posted by: Rhiannon | January 04, 2009 at 10:07 PM
Snail: 'Yes, your bum does look big in that'
Posted by: VP | January 05, 2009 at 04:00 PM
I know you're not my Mum but please can I have a piggyback?
Posted by: Jean | January 06, 2009 at 02:43 PM
Snail: "15 Cabbage Row please driver."
Posted by: Linda | January 06, 2009 at 03:19 PM
Snail: Oooh, yes, that's hit the spot. That's exactly where the itch is. Now just scratch it for me pleeeeeaaaase.
Posted by: VP | January 06, 2009 at 09:44 PM
And they said you were a gentleman.
Get off my back you slimeball.
Posted by: Cazaux | January 30, 2009 at 01:24 PM
brace yourself browny
Posted by: cuthbert | February 10, 2009 at 09:12 AM