Without wishing to turn my life – and indeed this blog - into a poor, unfunny approximation of Seinfeld, I have to share what happened at the Garden Media Guild awards last week.
Now, I’d entered this blog for the digital media award, and I am not quite so sieve-headed as to have forgotten that fact. But the GMG had cunningly divided the award into two categories: one for websites and one for blogs, unbeknownst to me or the person who printed the programme. So once I saw I hadn’t won, I nipped out to the lav, only to come back and see James Alexander-Sinclair onstage receiving his (much-deserved) award for best blog.
“You were shortlisted!”, my fellow diners at the Marshalls table informed me. So my comfort break denied me the chance to witness my micromoment in the spotlight. No one’s been bold enough to tell me but I think the judges said something about Horticultural needing to be updated, which is a fair point. But anyway, I was delighted to be “mentioned in dispatches”. Meantime I managed to miss most of the people I wanted to chat to and didn’t feel up to quaffing any of the wine on offer. What a poor imitation of a hack I am.
on ye subject of ye olde bog-updating, I say, let him who hath bloggeth like thee since ye olde year 2004 casteth the first stone.
Posted by: emma t | November 28, 2008 at 08:22 AM
er I meant bLog updating, might be slightly confusing people now what with the lav break being a main feature of your story
Posted by: emma t | November 28, 2008 at 08:23 AM
Your link to the GMG is broken.
Posted by: Jeremy | December 02, 2008 at 06:06 PM
That should be fixed now Jeremy.
Posted by: Jane Perrone | December 03, 2008 at 04:31 PM
Hi Jane,
Well done you...well deserved in my opinion. I didn't relaise you were there otherwise I'd have come up and said hello...in the same boat as we (BBC Radio Kent) were mentioned in dispatches only to lose out to Radio Lincolnshire....must stop being so competitive....mind you doesn't affect the way I keep my plot looking -it's a mess!
All the Best..
Posted by: Andy | December 04, 2008 at 06:16 PM
Kudos Jane. I love reading your blog because it's your content that's worthy anyway. The design stuff is mere aesthetics. Congratulations for getting that far.
Posted by: Stuart | December 05, 2008 at 11:38 PM