Typical. I go away on holiday for one poxy week and miss all the excitement.
I speak of course of the announcement that Toby Buckland is the new lead presenter on Gardeners' World (Britain's most popular gardening TV show, for anyone not from these shores). I hadn't heard his name in the mix in the various discussions on possible successors to Monty Don, so it came as a bit of a surprise - I don't know him but have met his wife Lisa, as she wrote a nice piece about small front gardens for me a while back. I do wish Toby well - I'll be watching GW with interest to see how his presence reshapes the show.
Not surprisingly, the green web has been alive with discussion over whether Toby is the right choice, and why others - primarily Carol Klein, an existing GW presenter - was overlooked. I work with Carol - she writes a weekly column for Guardian Weekend - but I haven't spoken to her about the news yet as I've been away. But a piece in the Telegraph yesterday quotes Carol as saying that she wasn't asked to take over from Monty: "Had I been asked, I would have loved to have done it and I think I could have done it very well, but I was never in a position to say yes or no. It looks like I've hit what you might call the 'grass ceiling'."
I agree with Allan Shepherd that Toby is a good choice, but I wonder when (if?) we are ever going to see a woman gardener head up the show. I think Carol would have done a brilliant job, too.
There's a provocative piece by John Walker in Organic Gardening magazine that's worth a read, (although you can't read online I am afraid) dismissing the "celebrity" slant of GW, but it's pretty hard to make a TV show about gardening without a focus on people- and hence personalities - as well as plants. Having said that, parts of the GW team do seem to have been rubbing a section of the gardening fraternity up the wrong way of late.
Once the peat-free dust has settled, let's hope that the show's presenters - newcomers and old hands alike - can usher in a new golden age to match the heady heights of the Geoff Hamilton days. The only thing everyone seems to agree on is that they were GW's finest moments.
But the final word on the GW brouhaha and its outcome has to go to EmmaT's pitch-perfect Private Eye-style Parish Newsletter. Fnar.
I'm apalled that Carol wasn't even asked to be the presenter. I love her style.
Toby Buckland made a wee garden a few weeks ago on the programme and it was totally uninspiring, I hope he improves!
Posted by: janeputsitoff | August 24, 2008 at 01:09 AM
I agree that Carol Klein would have been a good choice for Gardeners World and I do wonder about the gender bias of the programme and why as John suggested in his article they feel they need a hunky man to take on the task. Having met Carol recently on a visit to the Centre for Alternative Technology I know that she is full of enthusiasm and has lots of energy. She's also very approachable and not at all the vision of celebrity John paints in his article. I'm a fan of John's writing and although I do think there is too much importance put on the notion of celebrity I didn't really understand where he was going with this one. Celebrity is a fact of life. Whilst we may want to reign in the worst excesses of the notion of celebrity many celebrities are a positive force for good. Kate Humble, Bill Oddie, Bob Flowerdew, Geoff Hamilton, Carol Klein etc etc. The article was obviously written before the announcement of the new Gardeners' World appointment but the ultimate irony is that Toby and John both work for the same magazine. Its a story to follow and I'd certainly recommend getting hold of Organic Gardening this month. Its always a great read anyway.
Posted by: allan shepherd | August 24, 2008 at 10:51 AM
I agree that there is a celebrity cult that seems to influence everything gardening on TV but not a lot of people know about Toby Buckland so he might bring a style that reaches out to folk in a different way. Carol Klein is great in small doses, her energy can be a bit much over an hour. Personally my vote would have gone to Alys Fowler, such an understated performer in front of the camera and I listen to her every word......sigh
Posted by: Gnome | August 24, 2008 at 07:28 PM
When Geoff Hamilton died I thought AT was a big mistake but he gradually slipped into those boots. When he moved on I couldn't fathom why they chose a nobody like Monty.. but he stole my heart. I've not heard of Toby Buckland but they have made great choices in the past, and besides, Toby gets my vote because he is a passionate veggie grower. Sorry Carol, you just don't do it for me.
Posted by: Matron | August 24, 2008 at 08:40 PM
But John Walker is an idiot of the highest order, who constantly spouts rubbish, largely for effect, or self aggrandisement.
When he he won his Garden Writers' Guild Award he(unlike everyone else) just pounded on about himsef.
Posted by: Mande Barung | August 24, 2008 at 11:19 PM
That's a bit harsh about John Walker isn't it? He makes a worthwhile contribution to the environmental debate. His views may be strongly worded some time but I don't think he does it for effect or self aggrandisement. I think he does it because he believes that people aren't grasping the seriousness of our environmental situation and the world should be more rigorous in its attempts to do something about the problems we have. Some of the things he has pointed out are correct. Most gardening magazines don't talk about global warming, and if they do they talk about adaptation rather than prevention, about making dry gardens, rather than switching to organic systems which are more able to cope with changing weather patterns. Magazines do promote chemical preventions to ensure revenues are topped up, even though many of the experts writing for them believe they are unnecessary. Patio heaters are bad for the environment. The RHS hasn't had a great environmental record when it comes to putting on their key events. Many of our gardening techniques are based on the use of oil - which is running out. As I said before I do not agree with everything he says but I don't think its helpful calling him an idiot. I can't comment about the Garden Writers' Guild Award. I wasn't there. As I'm sure must be the case for most readers of the blog.
Posted by: allan shepherd | August 25, 2008 at 05:42 PM