I just bought a WWII-era booklet called Plots Against Hitler on eBay. It's about allotments, of course. Just trying to find out whether it's legal copyright-wise to scan it in and put it on this blog ...
I am a journalist and blogger
if its more than 50 year old (this is US law) you should be fine.
Posted by: nika | August 24, 2007 at 06:44 PM
I think you should be fine. You are not selling it so there should be no copyright infringement. Hope to see it. Sounds pretty interesting.
Posted by: Sean | August 24, 2007 at 09:41 PM
I would go a bit careful if I were you Jane (especially as you are a journalist)
I got into trouble recently for innocently re-producing part of a RHS page - even though it was clearly linked back.
Different issue I know but I just didn't realise that the RHS would be unhappy about this - bearing in mind I am on their official press release list too.
This may be of interest to other bloggers http://www.landscapejuice.com/2007/08/landscape-juice.html
Posted by: Philip Voice | August 26, 2007 at 02:03 PM
Strictly speaking, if it has an author, the copyright runs out 75 years after the death of said author. There are other copyrights too, and something like a pamphlet, may have Crown Copyright too.
Whether or not you are planning to sell bears no relevance to copyright. There are copyright restrictions that are lifted for non-commercial purposes, but scanning to put on your blog is unlikely to come under 'non-commercial'. And yes, as a journalist, you will be expected to know that scanning something that is still in copyright, without permission, is illegal.
And now I'll take my librarian hat off...
Posted by: Ponytail | August 27, 2007 at 03:00 PM
Thanks for that Ponytail - I am a "belt and braces" kind of journo so I wouldn't put it up unless I was absolutely sure of myself. It sounds as if it may still be in copyright, as you say, so I may have to make do with a potted summary of my own making on the blog ...
Posted by: Jane Perrone | August 27, 2007 at 05:06 PM
I feel SO sad - although you're absolutely right to be cautious - because this sounds WONDERFUL. Can you check with the Crown Office and see what they say? Because presumably they are the copyright holders? There've been quite a few WW2 pamplets reprinted recently, covering quite a lot of topics, but I haven't seen one on gardening ...
But if it really is no go, then a summary would be good ... either way, I'll look forward to it.
Posted by: Joanna | August 29, 2007 at 06:23 PM
In response to Joanna's comments, the British Library have recently reprinted two fantastic little WW2 booklets on allotment gardening and cooking allotment produce for the grand sum of £1.50 each - they're not available on the website, but if you ring the British Library they'll take payment over the phone and send them to you. They're both cracking reads!
Posted by: laipai | August 29, 2007 at 06:31 PM
Oooh, I think it's time for an update: Plots Against Osama! Because when you eat trucked-in produce you dine with bin Laden.
Posted by: Molly | August 29, 2007 at 10:13 PM
Oooh, I think it's time for an update: Plots Against Osama! Because when you eat trucked-in produce you dine with bin Laden.
Posted by: Molly | August 29, 2007 at 10:14 PM