When I was sent the Onya bag to review for the Old Bag Project, my one-blog mission to find the best alternative to the plastic bag, I was immediately impressed. For a start it comes in its own little storage pouch and is super-light; the mini-carabiner attached to the pouch makes it perfect for hanging off the handle of my handbag or the pushchair - hence you've always got this bag, er, "Onya".
I wasn't disappointed once I'd tried it out, either. It's the only bag I've tried that I actually remembered to carry about with me, and it has a Tardis-like quality of fitting a lot more shopping into it than you'd think. It's made of parachute material so the Onya's really strong, too. At £6.50 it won't break the bank, but this bag is stylish enough to pull out in a clothes shop to put your purchases in and turn down the thick glossy plastic number offered to you by the shop assistant.
My only tiny criticism is that I'd prefer the handles to be longer - but you can get a shoulder bag version so my quibble is a tiny one.
The Old Bag Project rating for the Onya bag:
Verdict: Strong, light and very very green (ok, it actually comes in a range of colours)
(By the way, this doesn't mean my search is over. If you of a bag that you think is even better than the Onya, let me know).
This looks great - I've just ordered one! I have a fabric traidcraft shopping bag that gets carried around with me, however it is not the smallest of things, especially when you are carting your lunch and a book to work! This little onya bag will free up valuable space in my bag - thanks!
Posted by: kim | August 10, 2007 at 03:31 PM
Seem quite expensive to me.
Not sure though I should complain about reusable bags becoming fashionable though.
Posted by: adekun | August 10, 2007 at 03:33 PM