Scroll down this page about half way and you'll find your way to a recipe for Nigel Slater's perfect pumpkin and green olive bread.
I'm afraid to admit - gulp - that I don't think I've ever made bread ... or if I have the memory was so traumatic I've blocked it out. But I am really tempted to break my duck with this one, particularly as it involves breaking into my large pumpkin stash.
You really must try making bread. It's a wonderful theraputic process that must be taken slowly and with a lot of patience. But it's always worth it. You just can't beat biting into a buttered slice of freshy made bread that's come straight out of the oven.
Posted by: Mildew | November 14, 2006 at 09:33 PM
It's partly because my partner's so good at it that I have been spoiled ... but you're right, it's really something I should learn...
Posted by: Jane Perrone | November 14, 2006 at 09:45 PM
Two hints for breadmaking:
1. Use decent flour. It really does make a huge difference to the taste. Waitrose do a Canadian Bread Flour that is miles ahead of anything else I have tasted. It costs a bit more but if you really want cheap then you may as well just buy Tesco Value sliced white. You can't bake anything for that price.
2. If you ever are tempted to buy a breadmaker then go for the Panasonic. I don't know why other machines don't work as well since the process of mixing, proving and baking is fairly low tech and not exactly a secret, but they don't.
Posted by: Jim | November 20, 2006 at 09:35 AM