This is the first flower on my aubergine plants (sounds so much more classy than the US word "eggplant"). If the fruit's anything like as gorgeous as the bloom, I'll be delighted.
The hot weather should make for a good harvest, I hope.
I am not sure exactly what I am getting, because it was a mixed packet. Given the huge variety of types in the aubergine family, I could end up with anything.
Please pass on any good aubergine recipes, because it's not something I cook with a lot. Rick isn't a big fan - or rather, wasn't, until we had a dish in our hotel in Italy that was so good he was completely won over. It was an aubergine tart - you can see a picture of it here - but we'll have to wait until the Montali recipe book comes out before we can make it for ourselves.
Recipe from the BBC
But I believe Italians add bacon.
Posted by: Sarah | July 31, 2006 at 02:57 PM
Quite right. Aubergine is a much nicer name than eggplant, which isn't even descriptive of any variety I've ever grown.
Recipe for Baba Ghanouj: a roasted aubergine pate'. Easy and delicious.
I've got a Baba Ghanouj recipe at home that I probably will never remember to bring to the office (I live so far in the backwoods that I don't have Internet at home), so here is one I found that is similar to mine. The only thing I'd be sure to do differently... everything the recipe says to do by hand I do in the food processor.
Posted by: Judith | August 01, 2006 at 01:43 AM