I was given this for my birthday: my first ever orchid. Gorgeous, isn't it? I've always loved the blooms of these exotic plants, but never dared to own one. But this, a Phalaenopsis, is one of the orchids that is relatively easy to grow in one's own home. Lots of people buy these, and they flower and then die back, never to blook again. The challenge will getting it to flower again.
I thought I was doing everything right: not too warm, good humidity, water about once a week; except now I read some further instructions on its care I realise that I shouldn't have used water from the water softener on it. I hope it'll survive one dose, and have now vowed to give it only the finest rainwater.
Anyway, the orchid has given me something beautiful to look at over the last few days, from my sick sofa. I think it could be another week or so before I am back to full strength: I am concentrating on getting well so I can: a) finish the book, and b) get down the allotment.
And while I welcome this new plant, I am steeling myself to say goodbye to the Croton that got scorched by steam from the kettle and is now looking very sad. I always find it hard to consign a plant to the compost heap that's brought colour to my kitchen. On the other hand, I've already bought another croton to replace it, and there's nothing worse than the sight of a sad specimen that's past its best. Given how cheap houseplants are and how many I have, I really shouldn't be so reluctant to encourage a bit of stock rotation.
An interesting plant the Croton.
A bright and unusual house plant, that hides a sinister secret...Croton Oil.
Croton oil is one of nature's most caustive compounds, casuing skin blisters and rashes..but if ingested internally, is a violent purgative.with unpleasant results.
It has sometimes historically been used as a torture method, as most victims would rather confess to something (real or imagined?) than suffer the burning bowel pain, and resultant personal embarrasment and shame, of being forced to ingest Croton Oil.
On a lighter note...it has lovely flowers.
Posted by: Greeenmantle | February 23, 2006 at 11:59 PM
Your orchid is beautiful. Perhaps it's the Freudian training, but I can never get past how rude they look, never mind how difficult they might be to care for.
I wish you lots of long-lasting, good, clean fun with yours!
Posted by: Clare | February 24, 2006 at 09:02 AM
My mum and dad have some orchids and every time I go and see them they point out how they're flowering again. They attribute their success to some special orchid feed that they got at their local garden centre. It comes in little tubes which you upend in the pot so that the contents drips out slowly. I think. There's a certain amount of parent-speak interpretation involved in dialogue with my parents :o)
I can't imagine they bother with rain water, but they do live in a soft water area.
Posted by: Muppet | February 24, 2006 at 10:25 AM
Don't worry about your beautiful orchid. I have two just like this one, and they are the most forgiving plants I've ever had. They flower nearly all the time as well, and are almost impossible to kill. I've certainly never managed. That isn't to say that I actively tried, but-
Well. Hello, I'm a mole, and I read your blog.
Posted by: a mole | February 27, 2006 at 01:16 PM
Thanks for all the excellent advice. It's so far, so good: I'll keep you posted!
Posted by: Jane Perrone | February 28, 2006 at 09:32 AM
I love orchids. I was given one as a leaving present from my office over 2 years ago. It had a couple of flowers, then reverted to "leaves with dead stick" mode for 18 months. Until, that is, I put it on my bathroom windowsill. Hey presto, it's now got an unprecedented 6 whole flowers open.
So, if it won't reflower, stick it in the bathroom, if you can. They like the steam, apparently.
Posted by: morgalou | March 03, 2006 at 05:24 PM
Thanks for the tip morgalou. I actually got another orchid from someone else so I am going to put that one in the bathroom and see how it fares.
Posted by: Jane Perrone | March 04, 2006 at 08:58 PM