I find it really hard to not make random seed purchases when I go into a garden centre or order something from the Organic Gardening Catalogue. I logged on last week to buy a new caddy for my kitchen waste and came away with packets of salfsify and scorzonera, and another of a sprout called red bull (no word yet on whether it gives you wings). I am not sure I even want to grow any of those things - but the urge was irresistible!
Also, I don't usually blog about non-gardening matters, but in a sudden fit of name-dropping I have to tell you that I met Richard Dreyfuss yesterday at the Global Voices Online conference I was attending for work (which I blogged about at the Guardian Unlimited News blog). Everyone was asked to introduce themselves and I said I was from Guardian Unlimited and I had a personal blog about gardening. When I went to interview him I introduced myself and he said "Gardening Unlimited, right?" He made a joke about my blog! Cool ...
A colleague at Guardian Unlimited did tell me a while back that I should have called my blog Gardening Unlimited. It's a great idea, and much better than the title I did go for, but I am not sure what the Guardian's lawyers would have made of it.
how many famous richards are you intending to meet jane?
Posted by: louise | December 13, 2005 at 01:05 AM
I can see it now in my autobiography: "The Richard Years" ...
Posted by: Jane Perrone | December 13, 2005 at 10:29 AM