I'm headling to the plot with trepidation today, wondering what a week of heavy frosts will have done to my salad crops. I hadn't bothered covering them on the grounds that my salad consumption has dropped now anyway: and I find they're extemely tolerant, but we'll see ... I'll probably use one of my improvised shower door cold frames on one lot and leave the others exposed as a control group. Either way, the leeks and chard will be fine, there's still plenty of pink fir apple potatoes from the store and the onions and shallots are hanging in abundance from my garage walls, so we shan't go hungry.
The one and only butternut squash that made it to harvest this year - largely due to the late frosts in June - is due to be sacrificed this weekend, and turned into butternut and ginger soup, and also roasted with spices. The beauty of the variety I grew - Waltham Butternut from the Real Seed Catalogue - compared to the types you get in the supermarket are that they tend to have thicker necks, which means there's more flesh inside.
Butternut and ginger soup sounds fabulous - do you have a recipe?
Posted by: Clare | November 19, 2005 at 04:51 PM
ooh, er, um ... well Rick's downstairs making that very soup right now but I am not sure which recipe he's using. I'll dig it out from my recipe file and let you know ...
Posted by: Jane Perrone | November 19, 2005 at 05:04 PM