This falls into the "why the hell didn't I think of that?" category.
Fallen Fruit is a site devoted to encouraging people to eschew the usual trees used as landscaping and borders, and plant fruiting trees instead. This site - currently focused on Los Angeles and environs - also alerts people to what I shall dub "legally scrumpable" fruit - in other words, trees with boughs overhanging public land so the fruit can be harvested legitimately by you and me.("August 8, Silverlake - passion fruit!")
I don't think I'll be growing avocados outdoors in the home counties any time soon, but I'd love a hedge of blackthorn so I could harvest the berries for a nip of homemade sloe gin.
(Via Dig).
The concept isn't new. The Victorians stongly believed that form followed function, and all gardens were designed around trees and gardens whose first function was to provide food for the owner. But the gardens were also designed to be places of beauty and solitude. There were whole books written on the subject, but they are hard to come by now.
Posted by: Garden Blog | October 05, 2005 at 02:42 AM