Flower shop gate, corner of Main Street and East 20th, Vancouver.
Apologies that blogging has been light: I've been offline more than usual this week. But I thought I'd share with you a picture I took last week of this rather inventive gate. It's an inventive example of the reuse, reduce, recycle credo, far more attractive than a wall topped with broken glass and rather attractive to boot. Now I just need to find a dozen abandoned garden tools to replicate it at Horticultural Towers.
I've now flitted over to Victoria on Vancouver Island: this afternoon I am hoping to check out some local allotments. I'll let you know what I find.
I've also been wondering why the rabbits that graze the grounds of the local university, UVic, look like domestic pets rather than the wild variety. I found the answer at the university's student paper, the Martlet, in a story about two students who are catching the bunnies for meat.
Thanks for the glut tip - we've got a marrow sitting staring at us from the top of the microwave - it may get stuffed (in the tastiest possible way) very soon.
Posted by: Anne | September 27, 2005 at 10:12 AM