Two allotment sessions this weekend, dominated by sowing more seed: leeks (musselburgh) and radishes mainly. Took this picture of the tiny gooseberries because they look so cute and hairy. I've left my fingers - with dirty fingernails, natch - in the shot for scale.
I also wanted to see if I could spot the Major, because he's really gone downhill in the lasdt couple of months. Last year he was sleek and bushy-tailed - now an infestation of fleas has left his hindquarters and tail almost bare and he is skin and bone. I am not sure if he's been abandoned or is simply being neglected by his owners. The last couple of times I've seen him he's been so desperate for me to give him a scratch that he's almost bitten me. So now I've got some flea treatment and a couple of pouches of cat food at the ready in my gardening bag so I can treat him and give him some grub when I see him next. I just hope I'm not too late.
Other gardening tasks this weekend included potting up Rick's marvellous Pieris into a larger pot and a bit of light weeding around the gardening, as well as masterminding my plan for renovating the last remaining flowerbeds in the garden.
Did you find the Major? I'm worried now...! The best thing for fleas is FrontLine. Having tried countless treatments on my cat this one works overnight (virtually). I hope you find him soon...
Posted by: mtp | May 10, 2005 at 04:24 PM
No sign yet. I might try popping down tonight as I tend to see him in the evenings. Not sure what the name of the flea treatment we bought is, but you just put a dot of it on the back of the cat's neck...
Will let you know when/if he shows up...
Posted by: Jane Perrone | May 10, 2005 at 04:59 PM