Excuse the punning title, but it's been a productive weekend.
I got going on the heated propagator front, with various tomato varieties (gardener's delight, san marzano, yellow scotland and brandywine, off the top of my head), green and purple globe artichokes and physalis all off the starter's blocks.
I would have done even more but half of the plastic trays and lids for one of the propagators have gone AWOL, inexplicably. Much gnashing of teeth ensued as I tried to find them, to no avail. The only upside was that in the process of trying to locate the trays, my groovy retro scales were unearthed from their hiding place (not by me, however) and restored to their rightful place in the kitchen. Actually, they're my sister's and yes, Louise, I know they are really yours and you can pick them up whenever you want them ... If anyone can suggest where I might have hidden them, do let me know, because I'm damned if I know.
I've somewhat changed my sowing scheme this year, trying to sow more thinly to avoid having to do too much thinning, and using a soil mix heavy with vermiculite to help retain moisture. It'll be interesting to see how it all works.
give me my scales
Posted by: louise | March 23, 2005 at 04:51 AM