Talking of weed control: this article on the fabulous American You Grow Girl site suggests hiring a herd of goats to munch their way through your weed-infested garden - I love that idea! The goat herd hired by the author cost a dollar a day per goat - bargain! The outcome, once the goats have trotted off to weedy pastures new:
"Here in my yard, native grass, delicate and shimmering, has begun to peek through the many lumps of residual goat poop."
I wonder if you can hire goats in the UK?
I stumbled on your blog by accident, hope ou dont mind! The goat post caught my interest. In Tallahassee,Florida (US), they use herds of goats to help control the mighty kudzu vine. (I hope I spelled it right!) The vine grows rampant here, and will take over everything from powerlines to tall pine trees. A herd of goats can level a kudzu site in just one day, as I understand it. it's worth looking into. You might need a good herding dog to rein the goats back in though. good luck!
Posted by: Laura | May 20, 2004 at 09:58 PM